Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Making strides...

It has been a few weeks since my last blog and I have been working my butt off at the track in preparation for the Out & Back run in Philly April 29th. I met my fundraising goal of $200 for the ALS Hope Foundation in under two weeks, and I'm currently running three miles at one clip. This is huge for a girl that couldn't run more than a 1/4 mile before gasping for air and slowing to a snails paced walk.

And though it is "officially" springtime in south central PA, my runs the past few mornings have been in mid 20 degree temps. I realized on the way to work, as the feeling began to return to my legs, that I have been running since November and the temperatures haven't really improved all that much since then. Come on mother nature, work with me here!

Thanks to my handy dandy RunKeeper app I can give you a run down of my running since my last entry on March 4, 2011:

March 8th - 2.04 miles in 30:02 on Old Farm/Greendale - brutal.

March 9th - 2.07 miles in 30:01 on Old Farm - no Greendale, got a little bit better of a distance...still brutal

March 12th - 2.20 miles in 30:01 BACK TO THE TRACK. Beautiful Saturday run though I lost all feeling in my right foot around the two mile marker - made a note to self not to tie the laces so tight.

March 17th - 2.50 miles in 35:13 - This was a 6:30 a.m. run at the track. The sister-coach thought it was about that time to increase my time.

March 19th - 3.05 miles in 42:41. This was an EARLY (8:30 a.m.) Saturday morning run at the track. This was also a milestone - three miles!! And though I was competing with the York Suburban track team, and my time was more like 42 min. except the app wouldn't "stop" when I pressed "stop" and timed me during some of my cool down, it was actually a good run.

March 23rd - I was up early and at the track, what I didn't pay close enough attention to was the weather forecast. No ear warmer, no gloves, no under armour. It was COLD, windy, and there was a fine mist falling. I ran for a quarter mile, packed it up and headed home. That was a first, I tried not guilt myself about it.

March 25th - 3.00 miles in 41:52. Early Friday AM at the track (with proper attire for the balmy 27 degree temps). My 3 mile time is getting better. The upside of running in the morning is obviously the lack of commotion at the track. The downsides are greater - 1) The janitor may throw away your water bottle...which he did. 2) High school kids are arriving as my tired, red faced butt is slinking to my car after the run. 3) The inevitable 3 p.m crash at my desk.

That brings us to today - I ran about 3 miles in 38:46. I do wish I could be more accurate given the fact that this is my BEST 3 mile time to date (temps again around 27 degrees). Unfortunately, my RunKeeper app became possessed at some point between 3/25 and today. It calculated my run at 3.58 miles in 38:46 with an average pace of 10:50 per mile - don't I wish! Had I not been running laps at the track I may have been proud of myself - but the laps don't lie and I can't take credit for a run that is probably months into my training future.

I'm definitely proud of my progress but it is a long way from 3 miles to 13 miles. I'm finding that I don't like allotting so much time for running now. I seriously cannot imagine at this point running for hours! It's kinda boring. Some people swear that I'm going to love it (which I still don't) - I was disheartened to learn from a friend that she began to LOVE it around the 5 mile mark. Really, five miles?!

I'm a long way from 5 miles, and if these temps don't start to warm up, I don't know how I'm going to get there. It would, of course, be easier and a much better motivator if I was beginning to see some physical changes - but I'm not. I guess I haven't been running long enough, enough times per week to really make a difference in my appearance. I think we have age to thank for that. I used to make up my mind that I was going to lose weight and 20 lbs. would fall off. Not the case at all this go round. I'm working out more consistently and running farther distances than ever and nothing, nada, zip, zilch. 

My co-worker, the iron man, insists I'm building my muscle. My sister feels as my distances and times get longer I will really start to shed some lbs. I sure as hell hope something happens, and soon. There is no greater motivator for me...well, aside from a good old fashioned challenge. If I begin to lose weight, I'll not only look & feel better, but hopefully I can run faster - it's not easy hauling all this around! 

Then there is Aruba. If ever there was a bright sun-shiney light at the end of this tunnel I call the never ending winter - it is Aruba :). We leave May 22nd for a week on the Happy Island and I couldn't be more thrilled. I don't foresee beach running in 80 degree temps in my future - my body just might go into shock. But there is a gym on site, we'll see if I can get one or two work-outs in while on vacay. I make no promises, however ;). 

Til next time!

Friday, March 4, 2011

A little pat on the back

So, I kind of figured that things would be different once I got my mile run under twelve minutes. I had been forewarned. My guess was that I would be bumped up to two miles 3-4 x's a week, or even a mile, then a two mile and so on. Nope. The sister-coach hit me with what seemed like an impossible feat - she wanted me to begin to run for 30 min. straight four times a week.
It began Tuesday evening. I made it home and to the track before sundown. There were mini soccer players practicing in the interior of the track. There were parents standing close by...on the track. There were also some runners and walkers at the track. The upside of this time of year is more daylight, the downside is everyone else is trying to take advantage of the extra daylight too. Therefore, there is an audience and I really didn't know how this was going to go.
Janelle had instructed me to go slow, and I did. I tried my best to concentrate on my breathing and ignore the others. As I finished my first mile I felt ok. My calves were beginning to burn, but that was to be expected. As I made it to the mile and a half mark I couldn't believe that I was actually still running.
My RunKeeper app is a God send. Every once in a while I get a reminder on time and distance every, and for the most part, Pandora has been running without interruption.
I hit 30 min. and though my legs were like jelly - I was proud of what I had just accomplished. I wobbled around the track a few more times to cool down, stretched again, called coach, and headed home. The official distance was 2.14 miles. I was certain that Wednesday morning I wouldn't be able to get out of bed, but surprisingly I wasn't all that sore.  In fact, after checking out the weather and realizing that Wednesday was going to be warmer than Thursday AND that Shawn would have a rare Thursday night at home with us - I decided to do it again the next night.  
Before I made it to the track Wednesday night, and while still on a momentum high from Tuesday night, I committed to the Out & Back Run that I had been considering taking part in for some time. The Out & Back Party Run is a 4 mile evening run in Philadelphia. After the race there is of course...a party ;). Now, I may not exactly be a passionate runner, but I love Philadelphia, we're always down for a party, and I welcome any excuse to get the hell out of Dodge! Bonus - my favorite cheerleader will be awaiting my arrival at the finish line. Race proceeds benefit the ALS Hope Foundation. I opted to set up a fundraising page as well and set a goal of $200. I am hopeful that the cause, the race, and the fact that a friend has agreed to join me in this endeavor will keep me on track toward a goal of running THE WHOLE 4 MILES at the end of April.
If anyone would like additional info. on the race, either to join or support me - check out the following links:
By the time I made it to the track Wednesday night I had already raised $50 toward my goal of $200, just that extra nudge I needed. My result: 2.13 miles in 30 min. Maybe I should be getting closer to 2 1/2 miles or more, but hey, at least I was consistent. Thursday night - I reveled in being home, preparing dinner and cozying up with my husband. I didn't miss my work-out one bit - there I said it! I did, however, get a status update from my sister:
Since my challenge to you in November:
You have completed 31 runs
2 5K runs
You have run 37.79 miles
You ran 9 runs in Nov, 10 in Dec, 7 in Jan, 3 in Feb, and already 2 in March.
You started walking a lap running a lap to complete a mile, you now run 2 full miles without stopping.
You can now see why I say running is the perfect exercise...you get to see so much in the line of results it's amazing.
Great Job Miss Thang, I love you!!!
^^She's great huh?!^^
Anyway, I know that I need to get more runs in monthly and I'm feeling more motivated than ever given the MAJOR accomplishments this week and of course the Out & Back on the horizon. So, it wasn't painful getting back to the track tonight. I had the track to myself which I love, it wasn't too windy, and things started off well. The RunKeeper notifications let me know my average pace in addition to distance and time. I knew that I wanted to speed it up a bit tonight. Things were going well until two consecutive phone calls  came through screwing up the Pandora and leaving me fumbling with my phone while trying to stay on track, literally. Even with the interruptions, I finished my 30 min with a total distance of 2.23.
Yes, that sound is me patting my own back, and with that, I welcome the weekend and at least one day off.